Knowledge and understanding of poker ranges is an essential skill for poker players. As poker is a game where you are never provided with complete information, any strategy that helps you to predict what hands your opponents have, may give you a significant advantage.
The more accurately you can put your opponents on a specific hand, the better your chances of outplaying them. If you’re new to poker ranges, you’ll begin to master this vital poker strategy with our guide.
What Is a Poker Range?
A poker range is a combination of hands that a player can have at any one given time. Ranges in poker are used to make educated guesses about what hands opponents may have.
This is much easier and more efficient than trying to determine the exact cards your adversary may have – which is near impossible!
We’ll mainly be discussing the most popular type of poker. So, before diving in, you’ll need to know how to play Texas Hold’em.
Why Use Poker Hand Ranges?
Thinking about hand ranges in poker helps players to make good decisions over time, instead of getting fixated on specific cards and specific situations. Thinking in this way is key if you want to take your game to the next level.

Once you become skilled at analyzing a player’s hand, you will know whether yours can beat it – and advantage is everything in poker. Once you know this, and know how poker tournaments work, you will be ready to try your hand at the tables.
Different Types of Ranges in Poker
Seasoned poker players know that poker ranges are important, and they often use the concept when coaching and reviewing theirs and other players’ games.
These poker hand ranges are often presented in different formats: combo, matrix, strand, percentage and pre-flop vs post-flop – to name the most common.
Using Poker Range Charts
A poker range chart is a visual tool that shows you different poker hand ranges for different stages and situations of the game. They can be used to help you to narrow down what an opponent may have at any given time and provide guidance on what you can do.
There are a variety of charts that you can utilize to gain an advantage, such as one for preflop, which takes into account poker preflop ranges and poker ranges by position.
As that particular chart only applies to preflop, don’t make the mistake of trying to apply it to a different stage, as it almost certainly won’t be successful!
Poker Range Examples
You have your own poker hand ranges, and you’re sitting at the table. An opponent is raising UTG roughly 14% of the time. This is all valuable information, as you can now start to narrow down their opening poker ranges.
Written as a range strand, this would then be: 77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KJo+,QJo

If you are holding 88, the flop has come down as 10 6 4 rainbow, they have raised, and you have called – at this stage you have to ponder what your opponent could be holding.
As they bet on the flop, you could decide that they have anything better than a pair of tens, two overcards, or have a straight draw. You know a straight draw is not likely to come to fruition as you hold two of the cards needed – 88.
Depending on the preflop raise, you could ascertain whether they had top pockets, and if you decide they do not, then most cards that could come on the flop would suit your hand. Any overcards would suit them, as you have narrowed down their range to either a pair of 10s, or overcards.
Poker Training Tools
Poker training sites are a sure-fire way to up your game and ensure that you’re ready to be successful at the tables.
You can find an array of different tools that are suitable whether you’re a novice, or more experienced. These range from programs designed to teach you the basics, simulations for beginner and advanced gameplay situations and even AI developed poker players simulating hands.
Best Poker Range Tips
Poker ranges are a vital tool for any developing or competent poker player. To guarantee your best chance at success, keep in mind these essential poker hand range tips:
- Study different types of ranges: familiarize yourself with how different ranges are presented, and the forms they take. All of this is information you can use when at the tables, and in poker, information is power.
- Always think in ranges: don’t make the mistake of fixating yourself on working out an opponent’s specific cards. If you try to assign exact hands to your opponents, you’re likely to make mistakes. See the broader picture, develop a range for each stage of the game for each opponent – and stick to them!
- Shrink ranges as the game goes on: As hands are played, and every action by an opponent is taken, their range should shrink. This is because you are gathering more information about them. One common mistake people make is adding hands to their rivals’ poker ranges postflop – don’t let that be you!
- Pay close attention to the size of bets: analyzing an adversary’s betting can narrow down their range, as most players adjust their bets due to the strength of their hands. Pay particular attention when an opponent deviates from their usual bet size, and keep a keen eye on what bets correspond with what hands are played.
- Pay attention to your opponents: poker beginners often assume that there is only one set way to play poker – wrong! In reality, playing styles vary widely, so pay close attention to your opponents. If an opponent is playing tight, you can narrow their range – in contrast, if they are loose, then their range can be widened considerably!
Poker Ranges: Key Points
Mastering poker ranges is crucial for making potential big money-winning decisions at the table. A poker range represents the possible hands an opponent might have based on their play and good old-fashioned poker hand probability helping players anticipate actions and refine strategies.
Tools like the poker range chart simplify this, showcasing hand ranges visually for different positions and scenarios, particularly preflop.
Understanding preflop poker ranges is vital, as they set the foundation for narrowing down hands through postflop play. By thinking in ranges, and analyzing betting patterns, players can gain an edge and outplay their opponents.