Unibet Launches UOS9 with $1 Million Guaranteed; New Software in the Works

The Unibet Online Series X kicks off Nov. 22 and features €1 million guaranteed.

Poker players have yet another online series to look forward to this week. The Unibet Online Series 9 kicks off Sept. 18 and runs through Oct. 11 with 133 events and an overall guarantee of €1 million.

The site caters to those who may not be looking for mega buy-in events and prefer some lower-stakes cash games and tournaments. Those looking to go a bit bigger, however, will also find some action.

The UOS9 is an example of that with Nano, Low, Mid, and High buy-in levels. That ranges from as small as €0.50 all the way up to €300.

Those looking for some lower buy-in options and plenty of fun may want to jump in the UOS9 action.


“We foster for our recreational players by running a quite large part of our tournaments in the lower buy-in range,” Kindred Group (Unibet’s corporate owner) poker tournament manager Leo Wagenius tells USPoker. “But of course we’re also running some weekly tournaments in the higher buy-in range, such as €50 to €200.”

Some highlights of the Unibet OS9 schedule

The UOS9 offers plenty of tournaments for players who prefer some fun with a bargain buy-in. Unibet goes out of its way to live up to its motto “By players, for players.”

When it comes to micro stakes action that means no rake. Unibet takes no fee for any tournaments with a buy-in of €1 or less.

Players in the UOS9 will find mostly No Limit Hold’em with a few Omaha events mixed in. There are also several bounty tournaments on the schedule, adding some extra excitement.

Key bullet points include three two-day main events set for Oct. 2 with the €300 Main Event guaranteeing €30,000. The €0.50 Nano version guarantees €400 and the €10 Low version guarantees €4,000.

Unibet is also including some of its traditional brands into the series: the UK Tour and the Unibet Open. The €1,100 Unibet Open Online, a two-day event with €250,000 guaranteed, should attract a nice field.

A few other events that should draw plenty of interest include:

  • €1 Nano NLHE Rebuy Two-Day – €500 guaranteed (Sept. 20)
  • €50 Mid NLHE Rebuy Two-Day – €25,000 guaranteed (Sept. 27)
  • €250 High NLHE UK Tour Online Two-Day – €25,000 guaranteed (Sept. 27)
  • €100 Rebuy High NLHE Two-Day – €50,000 guaranteed (Oct. 4)
  • €50 Rebuy Mid NLHE Two-Day – €25,000 guaranteed (Oct. 4)
  • €100 High Unibet Open Online Two-Day – €25,000 guaranteed (Oct. 11)
  • €1,100 High Unibet Open Online Two-Day – €250,000 guaranteed (Oct. 11)

Here’s a look at the complete schedule.

2020 Unibet Online Series 9

DateeventNameBuy-in levelBuy-in (in Euros)GuaranteeTypeRebuyBounty Prize/Bounty//Win/On-head
2020-09-181€300 E1 UOS NanoNano0.50300HoldemNo
2020-09-182€5,000 E2 UOS LowLow105000HoldemNo
2020-09-183€15,000 E3 UOS MidMid5015000HoldemNo
2020-09-184€100 E4 UOS Omaha Bounty NanoNano0.50100Omaha BountyRe-enter40/60/50/50
2020-09-185€3,000 E5 UOS Omaha Bounty LowLow103000Omaha BountyRe-enter40/60/50/50
2020-09-186€7,500 E6 UOS Omaha Bounty MidMid507500Omaha BountyRe-enter40/60/50/50
2020-09-197€200 E7 UOS NanoNano0.25200HoldemNo
2020-09-198€2,000 E8 UOS LowLow52000HoldemNo
2020-09-199€10,000 E9 UOS MidMid2510000HoldemNo
2020-09-1910€200 E10 UOS Re-enter NanoNano0.25200HoldemRe-enter max 5
2020-09-1911€1,000 E11 UOS Re-enter LowLow51000HoldemRe-enter max 5
2020-09-1912€7,500 E12 UOS Re-enter MidMid257500HoldemRe-enter max 5
2020-09-2013€500 E13 UOS Nano 2-DayNano1500HoldemNo
2020-09-2014€10,000 E14 UOS Mid 2-DayMid2510000HoldemNo
2020-09-2015€30,000 E15 UOS High 2-DayHigh10030000HoldemNo
2020-09-2016€300 E16 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-09-2017€2,500 E17 UOS Rebuy LowLow52500HoldemYes
2020-09-2018€7,500 E18 UOS Rebuy MidMid257500HoldemYes
2020-09-2119€700 E19 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.50700HoldemYes
2020-09-2120€6,000 E20 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-09-2121€15,000 E21 UOS Rebuy MidMid2515000HoldemYes
2020-09-2122€100 E22 UOS Omaha Bounty NanoNano0.25100Omaha BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-09-2123€1,000 E23 UOS Omaha Bounty LowLow51000Omaha BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-09-2124€4,000 E24 UOS Omaha Bounty MidMid254000Omaha BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-09-2225€100 E25 UOS NanoNano0.25100HoldemNo
2020-09-2226€2,000 E26 UOS LowLow52000HoldemNo
2020-09-2227€8,000 E27 UOS MidMid258000HoldemNo
2020-09-2228€100 E28 UOS Bounty NanoNano0.25100Holdem BountyNo50/50/50/50
2020-09-2229€1,000 E29 UOS Bounty LowLow51000Holdem BountyNo50/50/50/50
2020-09-2230€15,000 E30 UOS Bounty HighHigh10015000Holdem BountyNo50/50/50/50
2020-09-2331€400 E31 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25400HoldemYes
2020-09-2332€6,000 E32 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-09-2333€15,000 E33 UOS Rebuy MidMid2515000HoldemYes
2020-09-2334€100 E34 UOS Omaha NanoNano0.25100OmahaNo
2020-09-2335€2,000 E35 UOS Omaha LowLow102000OmahaNo
2020-09-2336€7,000 E36 UOS Omaha MidMid507000OmahaNo
2020-09-2437€300 E37 UOS Bounty NanoNano0.50300Holdem BountyNo50/50/70/30
2020-09-2438€4,000 E38 UOS Bounty LowLow104000Holdem BountyNo50/50/70/30
2020-09-2439€15,000 E39 UOS Bounty MidMid5015000Holdem BountyNo50/50/70/30
2020-09-2440€300 E40 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-09-2441€4,000 E41 UOS Rebuy LowLow104000HoldemYes
2020-09-2442€15,000 E42 UOS Rebuy MidMid5015000HoldemYes
2020-09-2543€300 E43 UOS NanoNano0.50300HoldemNo
2020-09-2544€4,000 E44 UOS LowLow104000HoldemNo
2020-09-2545€10,000 E45 UOS MidMid5010000HoldemNo
2020-09-2546€100 E46 UOS Ante Re-enter NanoNano0.25100Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-09-2547€1,000 E47 UOS Ante Re-enter LowLow51000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-09-2548€5,000 E48 UOS Ante Re-enter MidMid255000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-09-2649€1,000 E49 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.501000HoldemYes
2020-09-2650€6,000 E50 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-09-2651€15,000 E51 UOS Rebuy High UK SIDE EVENTHigh10015000HoldemYes
2020-09-2652€100 E52 UOS NanoNano0.25100HoldemNo
2020-09-2653€1,500 E53 UOS LowLow51500HoldemNo
2020-09-2654€5,000 E54 UOS MidMid255000HoldemNo
2020-09-2755€2,000 E55 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-DaysNano12000HoldemYes
2020-09-2756€25,000 E56 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-DaysMid5025000HoldemYes
2020-09-2757€25,000 E57 UOS UK Tour Online High 2-DaysHigh25025000Holdem1 re-entry
2020-09-2758€200 E58 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-09-2759€2,500 E59 UOS Rebuy LowLow52500HoldemYes
2020-09-2760€7,500 E60 UOS Rebuy MidMid257500HoldemYes
2020-09-2861€200 E61 UOS Big Bang NanoNano0.50200HoldemNo
2020-09-2862€2,000 E62 UOS Big Bang LowLow102000HoldemNo
2020-09-2863€10,000 E63 UOS Big Bang HighHigh20010000HoldemNo
2020-09-2864€200 E64 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-09-2865€2,000 E65 UOS Rebuy LowLow52000HoldemYes
2020-09-2866€10,000 E66 UOS Rebuy MidMid2510000HoldemYes
2020-09-29REST DAY
2020-09-3067€200 E67 UOS NanoNano0.50200HoldemNo
2020-09-3068€4,000 E68 UOS LowLow104000HoldemNo
2020-09-3069€10,000 E69 UOS MidMid5010000HoldemNo
2020-09-3070€300 E70 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-09-3071€4,000 E71 UOS Rebuy LowLow104000HoldemYes
2020-09-3072€15,000 E72 UOS Rebuy MidMid5015000HoldemYes
2020-10-0173€300 E73 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-10-0174€6,000 E74 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-10-0175€15,000 E75 UOS Rebuy High DSO SIDE EVENTHigh10015000HoldemYes
2020-10-0176€100 E76 UOS Omaha NanoNano0.25100OmahaNo
2020-10-0177€2,000 E77 UOS Omaha LowLow102000OmahaNo
2020-10-0178€6,000 E78 UOS Omaha MidMid506000OmahaNo
2020-10-0279€400 E79 UOS Nano 2-DaysNano0.50400HoldemRe-enter
2020-10-0280€4,000 E80 UOS Low 2-DaysLow104000HoldemRe-enter
2020-10-0281€30,000 E81 UOS DSO Online Main High 2-DaysHigh30030000Holdem1 re-entry
2020-10-0282€100 E82 UOS Ante Re-enter NanoNano0.25100Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-0283€1,000 E83 UOS Ante Re-enter LowLow51000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-0284€5,000 E84 UOS Ante Re-enter MidMid255000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-0385€300 E85 UOS Bounty NanoNano0.50300Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-0386€5,000 E86 UOS Bounty LowLow105000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-0387€15,000 E87 UOS Bounty MidMid5015000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-0388€200 E88 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-10-0389€1,500 E89 UOS Rebuy LowLow51500HoldemYes
2020-10-0390€5,000 E90 UOS Rebuy MidMid255000HoldemYes
2020-10-0491€1,500 E91 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-DaysNano11500HoldemYes
2020-10-0492€25,000 E92 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-DayMid5025000HoldemYes
2020-10-0493€50,000 E93 UOS Rebuy High 2-DaysHigh10050000HoldemYes
2020-10-0494€200 E94 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-10-0495€2,500 E95 UOS Rebuy LowLow52500HoldemYes
2020-10-0496€7,500 E96 UOS Rebuy MidMid257500HoldemYes
2020-10-0597€300 E97 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-10-0598€6,000 E98 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-10-0599€10,000 E99 UOS Rebuy MidMid2510000HoldemYes
2020-10-05100€100 E100 UOS Omaha NanoNano0.25100OmahaNo
2020-10-05101€2,000 E101 UOS Omaha LowLow102000OmahaNo
2020-10-05102€4,000 E102 UOS Omaha MidMid254000OmahaNo
2020-10-06REST DAY
2020-10-07103€300 E103 UOS Bounty NanoNano0.50300Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-07104€4,000 E104 UOS Bounty LowLow104000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-07105€10,000 E105 UOS Bounty MidMid5010000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-07106€300 E106 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-10-07107€4,000 E107 UOS Rebuy LowLow104000HoldemYes
2020-10-07108€15,000 E108 UOS Rebuy MidMid5015000HoldemYes
2020-10-08109€300 E109 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25300HoldemYes
2020-10-08110€6,000 E110 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-10-08111€15,000 E111 UOS Unibet Opener Online HighHigh10015000HoldemYes
2020-10-08112€100 E112 UOS Ante Re-enter NanoNano0.25100Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-08113€1,000 E113 UOS Ante Re-enter LowLow51000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-08114€5,000 E114 UOS Ante Re-enter MidMid255000Holdem AnteRe-enter max 5
2020-10-09115€300 E115 UOS Bounty NanoNano0.50300Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-09116€4,000 E116 UOS Bounty LowLow104000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-09117€10,000 E117 UOS Bounty HighHigh10010000Holdem BountyNo50/50/75/25
2020-10-09118€100 E118 UOS NanoNano0.25100HoldemNo
2020-10-09119€1,000 E119 UOS LowLow51000HoldemNo
2020-10-09120€5,000 E120 UOS MidMid255000HoldemNo
2020-10-10121€400 E121 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25400HoldemYes
2020-10-10122€6,000 E122 UOS Rebuy LowLow106000HoldemYes
2020-10-10123€15,000 E123 UOS Unibet Open Online Warm-Up HighHigh10015000HoldemYes
2020-10-10124€200 E124 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-10-10125€2,500 E125 UOS Rebuy LowLow52500HoldemYes
2020-10-10126€7,500 E126 UOS Rebuy MidMid257500HoldemYes
2020-10-11127€2,000 E127 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-DaysNano12000HoldemYes
2020-10-11128€25,000 E128 UOS Unibet Open Online High 2-DaysHigh10025000HoldemYes
2020-10-11129€250,000 E129 UOS Unibet Open Online High 2-DaysHigh1100250000Holdem1 re-entry
2020-10-11130€200 E130 UOS Rebuy NanoNano0.25200HoldemYes
2020-10-11131€2,500 E131 UOS Rebuy LowLow52500HoldemYes
2020-10-11132€7,500 E132 UOS Rebuy MidMid257500HoldemYes

Proudly rec player friendly at Unibet

Catering to recreational and part-time players is a major part of the mindset at Unibet. Along with lower buy-ins and rake-free micro events, the site also has some other ways it caters to rec players.

Poker tracking software is banned and players can change their usernames up to three times a day. These present some obstacles for sharks looking to feast on less-experienced players.

Wagenius says communicating with players remains a big goal as well at Unibet.

“What really stands out is our close and straightforward communication with our customers,” he says. “We have a Unibet community where we listen to customer suggestions on a daily basis.”

The site also offers players the ability to create on-demand home game tournaments. All these events run rake free – a nice benefit to play with friends while social distancing during a pandemic.

“It’s really appreciated by customers, to be able to have small tournaments with friends and not pay for it,” Wagenius says.

“The entire poker team tries to make customers feel that they can actually impact where we take the product.”

Players have another nice event to look forward to during UOS9. The site plans to launch a complete software client facelift on Sept. 22. No word on the changes yet, but with its player-friendly approach, Unibet hopes the new software will be even more user friendly.

Looking to get in the game at Unibet? Check out the PokerScout review with a €200 play bonus, entry into four weekly €500 Welcome Freerolls, and €20 worth of poker tickets.

PokerStars Blasts Off With Largest Galactic Series Guarantee Ever

The PokerStars Galactic Series kicks off for players in Spain, France, and Portugal on Aug. 30.

Players in southern Europe have a shot at some out-of-this-world money during the PokerStars Galactic Series from Aug. 30 to Sept. 28. The festival boasts more than €17 million in total guarantees – the largest in the series’ history.

The Galactic offers plenty of action for players in France, Spain, and Portugal. The Galactic adds to a massive month for PokerStars during September, which is also running the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) on the .COM site.

With all tournament series combined, the company has more than $200 million in tournament series guarantees on the line.

A preview of the Galactic Series

Those looking to take their games to an interstellar level have a lot to look forward to in the Galactic Series. The festival caters to every category of player with buy-ins ranging from €5 to €250.

The action is highlighted by the €250 Main Event on Sept. 20 with a €1 million guarantee. Players can win an entry via three depositor freerolls on Aug. 29 and Sept. 5 and 29. The site will also host:

  • Special edition €12.50 Spin & Go’s – awarding Main Event entries as well as cash prizes.
  • Numerous qualifiers – players of all levels can win entry into various series events starting at just €1.

The series will be available to players using the PokerStars .ES, .PT, or .FR platforms. There’s something for everyone during the series and the series should make for some cosmic vibes.

Here’s a look at the entire schedule:

2020 PokerStars Galactic Series

130-Aug€ 5Big Bang [Opening Event]€ 30,000
230-Aug€ 50NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
330-Aug€ 50Warm-Up [Progressive KO]€ 175,000
430-Aug€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 20,000
530-Aug€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
630-Aug€ 10ClassiComet€ 100,000
730-Aug€ 250Sunday Stellar [Progressive KO]€ 250,000
830-Aug€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 60,000
930-Aug€ 125NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
1030-Aug€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 15,000
1130-Aug€ 50BigStack Turbo€ 60,000
1230-Aug€ 125Supersonic [6-Max]€ 60,000
1331-Aug€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 50,000
1431-Aug€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 30,000
1531-Aug€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
1631-Aug€ 50NLHE [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO] € 90,000
1731-Aug€ 250NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
1831-Aug€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
1931-Aug€ 50BigStack Turbo€ 50,000
2031-Aug€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 15,000
2131-Aug€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo€ 40,000
2231-Aug€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
2331-Aug€ 250JUPITER High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 50,000
241-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max]€ 40,000
251-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
261-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 15,000
271-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 70,000
281-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
291-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 45,000
301-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
311-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
321-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 40,000
331-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
341-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO] € 35,000
352-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max]€ 40,000
362-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
372-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 15,000
382-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 70,000
392-Sep€ 125NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
402-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 45,000
412-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo€ 40,000
422-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 12,500
432-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper [6-Max]€ 25,000
442-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
452-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
463-Sep€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 40,000
473-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
483-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 15,000
493-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO] € 100,000
503-Sep€ 50NLHE 6th Sense€ 100,000
513-Sep€ 250NLHE Super Thursday [Progressive KO]€ 150,000
523-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
533-Sep€ 50Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
543-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [4-Max]€ 12,500
553-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
563-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
573-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
584-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
594-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
604-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 15,000
614-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 70,000
624-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 70,000
634-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
644-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Turbo]€ 40,000
654-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
664-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo€ 35,000
674-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper] € 30,000
684-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
695-Sep€ 30NLHE [Ultra KO]€ 25,000
705-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
715-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
725-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
735-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 70,000
745-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
755-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo€ 30,000
765-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
775-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper [6-Max]€ 25,000
785-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
795-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
806-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
816-Sep€ 50Warm-Up€ 150,000
826-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 25,000
836-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
846-Sep€ 10ClassiComet€ 100,000
856-Sep€ 50[50 Special, Progressive KO]€ 250,000
866-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
876-Sep€ 125NLHE Deep-Turbo,€ 75,000
886-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 15,000
896-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
906-Sep€ 125Supersonic [6-Max]€ 40,000
917-Sep€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 50,000
927-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 30,000
937-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
947-Sep€ 50NLHE [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
957-Sep€ 250NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
967-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
977-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo€ 50,000
987-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
997-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
1007-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 40,000
1017-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
1028-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max]€ 50,000
1038-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS] € 25,000
1048-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 15,000
1058-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 90,000
1068-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
1078-Sep€ 250NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 256* € 25,000
1088-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
1098-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo€ 50,000
1108-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
1118-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 50,000
1128-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
1138-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
1149-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
1159-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
1169-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 15,000
1179-Sep€ 50NLHE€ 70,000
1189-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
1199-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
1209-Sep€ 125PL Omaha [6-Max]€ 20,000
1219-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
1229-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
1239-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper€ 25,000
1249-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper] € 35,000
1259-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO] € 40,000
12610-Sep€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 40,000
12710-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
12810-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 20,000
12910-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO] € 100,000
13010-Sep€ 50NLHE 6th Sense € 75,000
13110-Sep€ 250NLHE Super Thursday [Progressive KO]€ 150,000
13210-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
13310-Sep€ 50Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 60,000
13410-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [4-Max]€ 12,500
13510-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
13610-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
13710-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
13811-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
13911-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
14011-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 15,000
14111-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
14211-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 50,000
14311-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
14411-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO] € 40,000
14511-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
14611-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
14711-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
14811-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 25,000
14912-Sep€ 30NLHE [Ultra KO]€ 25,000
15012-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
15112-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
15212-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max]€ 40,000
15312-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 70,000
15412-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS,€ 40,000
15512-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
15612-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
15712-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper [4-Max] € 20,000
15812-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
15912-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO] € 25,000
16013-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
16113-Sep€ 50Warm-Up€ 150,000
16213-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 25,000
16313-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
16413-Sep€ 10ClassiComet € 100,000
16513-Sep€ 250Sunday Stellar [Progressive KO] € 250,000
16613-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
16713-Sep€ 125NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
16813-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 15,000
16913-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo€ 75,000
17013-Sep€ 125Supersonic [6-Max]€ 40,000
17114-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
17214-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
17314-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 20,000
17414-Sep€ 50NLHE [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
17514-Sep€ 250NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
17614-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
17714-Sep€ 125NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
17814-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
17914-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
18014-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
18114-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
18215-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
18315-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
18415-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 15,000
18515-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 70,000
18615-Sep€ 125NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
18715-Sep€ 250NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* € 20,000
18815-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
18915-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo, € 50,000
19015-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
19115-Sep€ 10NLHE [Heads Up Hyper], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* € 10,000
19215-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
19315-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
19416-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
19516-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
19616-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max] € 15,000
19716-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
19816-Sep€ 125NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
19916-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
20016-Sep€ 50PL Omaha [6-Max]€ 15,000
20116-Sep€ 50NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 50,000
20216-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 12,500
20316-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
20416-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
20516-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
20617-Sep€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 40,000
20717-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
20817-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY,€ 15,000
20917-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 90,000
21017-Sep€ 50NLHE 6th Sense€ 75,000
21117-Sep€ 250NLHE Super Thursday [Progressive KO], € 125,000
21217-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
21317-Sep€ 50Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO] € 60,000
21417-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [4-Max]€ 12,500
21517-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
21617-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 35,000
21717-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO] € 35,000
21818-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Ultra KO]€ 20,000
21918-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
22018-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max] € 15,000
22118-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
22218-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Ultra KO]€ 30,000
22318-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 35,000
22418-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 40,000
22518-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
22618-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
22718-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
22818-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
22919-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
23019-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
23119-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
23219-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 50,000
23319-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 70,000
23419-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 35,000
23519-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
23619-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
23719-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper [4-Max, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
23819-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
23919-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
24020-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
24120-Sep€ 50Warm-Up [Progressive KO]€ 200,000
24220-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 25,000
24320-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
24420-Sep€ 10ClassiComet€ 100,000
24520-Sep€ 250Main Event 8-Max PKO€ 1,000,000
24620-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
24720-Sep€ 125NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
24820-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 15,000
24920-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 90,000
25020-Sep€ 125Supersonic [6-Max]€ 40,000
25121-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
25221-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 25,000
25321-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
25421-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
25521-Sep€ 250NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
25621-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS, € 40,000
25721-Sep€ 125NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
25821-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
25921-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
26021-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
26121-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 35,000
26222-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 40,000
26322-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
26422-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY€ 15,000
26522-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
26622-Sep€ 125NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
26722-Sep€ 250NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* € 20,000
26822-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
26922-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo, € 40,000
27022-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
27122-Sep€ 10NLHE [Heads Up Hyper], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* € 10,000
27222-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
27322-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
27423-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
27523-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
27623-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max] € 15,000
27723-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
27823-Sep€ 125NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 60,000
27923-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
28023-Sep€ 30PL Omaha [6-Max]€ 15,000
28123-Sep€ 50NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
28223-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 12,500
28323-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
28423-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
28523-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 25,000
28624-Sep€ 30NLHE [Deep to NEPTUNE]€ 40,000
28724-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
28824-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY,€ 15,000
28924-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
29024-Sep€ 50NLHE 6th Sense€ 75,000
29124-Sep€ 250NLHE Super Thursday [Progressive KO], € 100,000
29224-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 40,000
29324-Sep€ 50Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO] € 50,000
29424-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [4-Max]€ 12,500
29524-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 30,000
29624-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
29724-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO] € 30,000
29825-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Ultra KO]€ 20,000
29925-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 15,000
30025-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max] € 15,000
30125-Sep€ 50NLHE [Progressive KO]€ 50,000
30225-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Ultra KO]€ 30,000
30325-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 35,000
30425-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 30,000
30525-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
30625-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 25,000
30725-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 25,000
30825-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
30926-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO] € 30,000
31026-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
31126-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
31226-Sep€ 50NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 50,000
31326-Sep€ 125NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 60,000
31426-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 30,000
31526-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
31626-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo€ 12,500
31726-Sep€ 30NLHE Hyper [4-Max, Progressive KO]€ 20,000
31826-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
31926-Sep€ 125NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 25,000
32027-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO]€ 125,000
32127-Sep€ 50Warm-Up€ 150,000
32227-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max]€ 25,000
32327-Sep€ 30NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
32427-Sep€ 10ClassiComet€ 100,000
32527-Sep€ 50[50 Special, Progressive KO]€ 225,000
32627-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS€ 50,000
32727-Sep€ 125NLHE Deep-Turbo,€ 75,000
32827-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [8-Max]€ 15,000
32927-Sep€ 50BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 75,000
33027-Sep€ 125Supersonic [6-Max]€ 40,000
33128-Sep€ 30NLHE Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO]€ 40,000
33228-Sep€ 10NLHE [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS]€ 20,000
33328-Sep€ 5NLHE Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max]€ 15,000
33428-Sep€ 50NLHE [8-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO]€ 75,000
33528-Sep€ 250NLHE [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 100,000
33628-Sep€ 20NLHE SuperStack VENUS, € 25,000
33728-Sep€ 125NLHE Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO]€ 40,000
33828-Sep€ 5BigStack Turbo [6-Max]€ 12,500
33928-Sep€ 50NLHE Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO]€ 30,000
34028-Sep€ 30MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper]€ 30,000
34128-Sep€ 250Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO]€ 30,000
TOTAL€ 17,005,000

New additions invade PokerStars galaxy

Similar to WCOOP, Stars is bringing plenty to the table for southern European players. The “‘Galactic Series Sweepstakes” is a new promotion this year and offers players  plenty of opportunities.

From Sept. 5-19, a total of €150,000 in Main Event entries will be awarded – €10,000 daily. For a shot at a tournament ticket, players must opt in using their challenge window.

Then need to simply play in at least one Galactic Series tournament for an entry into that day’s giveaway. The higher the buy-in level, the more entries a player receive for that day’s sweepstakes.

PokerStars managing director and commercial officer Severin Rasset said the company makes efforts to add something new and different to each series.

“The Galactic Series is now in its third year and has become a key event in the calendar for many of our players in Southern Europe,” Rasset said.

“In listening to our players and thinking about ways we can offer additional excitement, on top of the series’ biggest ever guarantee we have added more value and more ways to win this year. There are sweepstakes, special Spin & Go’s, and freerolls, ensuring players of all types have the chance to take part.”

The Galactic Series is just one major series running in September. Over the same dates, the PokerStars WCOOP will also be underway.

That series also features its largest ever guarantee ever as well – a nice $80 million. Combined, the Galactic Series and WCOOP will award more than $100 million.

For a complete WCOOP preview, click here. Looking to get in the action for the Galactic Series or WCOOP? Click here for a complete PokerStars review and exclusive bonus offers.

Unibet Summer Circuit Series Sizzles With $250,000 Guarantee 

The Unibet Summer Circuit Series kicks off on Aug. 23.

The international online poker market continues to explode and Unibet is getting in on the action this month. The operator offers up its Summer Circuit Series Aug. 21-30 with a total guarantee of €250,000.

The series features 40 events with buy-ins ranging from €50 to €200. The series offers plenty of action for players around the world with guarantees from €2,500 to €20,000.

Those players with limited bankrolls will find some nice payouts for a small investment.

Quick look at the Unibet  Summer Circuit Series schedule

Unibet has long worked hard to cater to recreational players. This isn’t a site for poker pros, but players looking to have some fun. For the Summer Circuit Series that includes a shot at some nice prize pools..

The site bans poker trackers and allows players to change their alias up to three times per day. This makes picking off fish a bit more difficult for the sharks in this poker ocean.

Most events in the Summer Circuit Series have bargain buy-ins, but those looking for bigger tournaments will find a few. That includes three €100 tournaments on Aug. 23, 27, and 30.

The €200 Big Bang is set for Aug. 25 with a €10,000 guarantee and is the largest buy-in of the series. This event and the three €100 events are considered the series’s championships.

Other Unibet series highlights

Beyond that Big Bang “High Roller,” players have some other nice action to check out. A few highlights include:

  • €50 Kickoff, Aug. 21 — €5,000 guaranteed
  • €100 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day (championship), Aug 23 — €20,000 guaranteed
  • €25 NLHE NLHE Rebuy 2-Day, Aug 23 — €10,000 guaranteed
  • €25 NLHE NLHE Bounty, Aug. 25 — €7,500 guaranteed
  • €200 Big Bang (championship), Aug. 25 – €10,000 guaranteed
  • €50 NLHE NLHE Rebuy, Aug. 26 — €7,500 guaranteed
  • €100 NLHE NLHE Bounty (championship), Aug. 27 — €10,000 guaranteed
  • €100 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day (championship), Aug. 30 — €20,000 guaranteed

Here’s a look ta the complete schedule.

Unibet Summer Circuit Schedule

Aug. 21#1 NLHE Kickoff€50€5,000NLHE
Aug. 21#2 NLHE Rebuy€25€5,000NLHE
Aug. 21#3 NLHE€50€2,500NLHE
Aug. 21#4 NLHE€25€2,500NLHE
Aug. 22#5 NLHE€25€5,000NLHE
Aug. 22#6 NLHE Bounty€50€7,500NLHE Bounty
Aug. 22#7 NLHE Re-Enter€25€2,500Omaha
Aug. 22#8 NLHE Rebuy€50€7,500NLHE
Aug. 23#9 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day€100€20,000NLHE
Aug. 23#10 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day€25€10,000NLHE
Aug. 23#11 NLHE Bounty€25€2,500NLHE Bounty
Aug. 23#12 NLHE Rebuy€50€2,500NLHE
Aug. 24#13 NLHE€50€7,500NLHE
Aug. 24#14 NLHE Rebuy€25€7,500NLHE
Aug. 24#15 NLHE Bounty€25€2,500NLHE Bounty
Aug. 24#16 NLHE€25€2,500NLHE
Aug. 25#17 NLHE Big Bang200€10,000NLHE
Aug. 25#18 NLHE€25€2,500NLHE
Aug. 25#19 NLHE Bounty€25€7,500NLHE
Aug. 25#20 NLHE Bounty€25€2,500NLHE Bounty
Aug. 26#21 NLHE€50€5,000NLHE
Aug. 26#22 NLHE Rebuy€25€5,000NLHE
Aug. 26#23 NLHE Rebuy€25€5,000NLHE
Aug. 26#24 NLHE Rebuy€50€7,500NLHE
Aug. 27#25 NLHE Rebuy€25€7,500NLHE
Aug. 27#26 NLHE Rebuy€50€7,500NLHE
Aug. 27#27 NLHE Bounty€100€10,000NLHE Bounty
Aug. 27#28 NLHE Bounty€25€2,500NLHE Bounty
Aug. 28#29 NLHE€50€5,000NLHE
Aug. 28#30 NLHE Rebuy€25€7,500NLHE
Aug. 28#31 NLHE Rebuy€25€7,500NLHE
Aug. 28#32 NLHE Bounty€25€5,000NLHE Bounty
Aug. 29#33 NLHE Rebuy€25€5,000NLHE
Aug. 29#34 NLHE Bounty Re-enter€50€5,000NLHE Bounty
Aug. 29#35 NLHE€25€2,500NLHE
Aug. 29#36 NLHE Bounty€25€2,500Omaha Bounty
Aug. 30#37 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day€100€20,000NLHE
Aug. 30#38 NLHE Rebuy 2-Day€50€15,000NLHE
Aug. 30#39 NLHE Rebuy€50€7,500NLHE
Aug. 30#40 NLHE€25€2,500NLHE

Added qualifiers and leaderboard cash

There will be numerous qualifiers for all different buy-in levels running daily throughout the Summer Circuit Series. That also includes daily “superqualifiers” already underway with multiple tickets  guaranteed during each event.

 As part of the fun, there is also a series leaderboard with a €10,000 prize pool. The top spot finisher takes home an extra €2,500.

Even more to come from Unibet – with seven figures

The Summer Circuit isn’t the only poker festival on tap for Unibet players. The site has already announced plans for the Unibet Online Series (UOS9) set for Sept. 18 to Oct. 11.

USO9 promises even more for players – with a €1 million total guaranteed prize pool. The series features a €1,100 two-day main event with a €250,000 guarantee.

The entire schedule hasn’t been released yet, but check back at PokerScout for a complete preview when it’s announced.

Looking to get in the Unibet poker action? Click here for a complete review and exclusive PokerScout bonus offers.


WSOP ROUNDUP: First Double Bracelet Winner, Ireland’s O’Dea Scores Gold, Numbers Rise, & More

The WSOP Online continues at GGPoker.

The World Series of Poker Online produced some big news over the last week at GGPoker. That included the first player to win not only two bracelets in the series, but the first to ever win two online bracelet events.

There were also some big $10,000 heads-up fireworks and a WSOP final table player winning a bracelet. The series has now awarded 24 bracelets with plenty of big online poker remaining. Here’s a look at some of the news from the series over the last week.


Numbers in WSOP Online at GGPoker continue to grow after big events

Recent major events like the Millionaire Maker have inflated the nice WSOP Online numbers even more. The last week has seen the average number of entries rise from 3,754 last week to 3,830 this week.

The average prize pool has also climbed by about $300,000 over the last week to $2 million. The average payout has now ballooned to almost $299,896, an increase of almost $45,000 from last week.

The Millionaire Maker easily became the largest payout and prize pool of the series. The prize pool almost reached $9 million with Daniel Dvoress taking the title for $1.5 million.

With some nice tournaments set for the coming week, these numbers should continue. Here’s a look at all winners and statistics.

For complete facts and information about the WSOP Online, including Twitch streams, click here.

EventBuy-inTotal entriesPrize poolWinner payoutWinnerCountry
#32: The Opener NLHE$10029,306$2,696,152$265,880Marcelo Jakovljevic PudlaBrazil
#33: Every 1 for Covid Relief$1,1112,323$2,580,853$343,204Alek StasiakCanada
#34: Super Turbo Bounty NLHE 6-Handed$5252,214$1,107,000$117,650Shoma IshikawaJapan
#35 Pot Limit Omaha Championship$5,000328$1,558,000$306,622Juha HelppiFinland
#36 FIFTY STACK NLHE$1,5001,342$1,912,350$297,496Michael ClacherSouth Africa
#37 Bounty Pot Limit Omaha$1,050971$971,000$161,887Hun Wei LeeAustralia
#38 Monster Stack NLHE 6-Handed [Asia Time Zone]$6002,007$1,143,990$171,389Aaron WijayaChina
#39: NLHE [Asia Time Zone]$1,500922$1,313,850$216,213Roberto RomanelloUnited Kingdom
#40: Pot Limit Omaha$2,500532$1,263,500$224,493Klas LofbergSweden
#41: COLOSSUS$40012,757$4,796,632$595,930Ranno SootlaEstonia
#42: PLOSSUS$4004,356$1,637,856$221,557Yuri DzivielevskiBrazil
#43: Short Deck NLHE Championship$10,000301$812,700$276,393Lev "LevMeAlone" GottliebUnited States
#44: NLHE 6-Handed$2,500892$2,118,500$356,412Kristen BicknellCanada
#45: Bounty NLHE$8402,382$1,906,500$245,448Patrick "Muddington" KennedyUnited Kingdom
#46: Deepstack NLHE$5002,307$1,095,825$189,098Sung Joo "ArtePokerTV" HyunSouth Korea
#47: Short Deck NLHE$1,000487$462,560$88,202Paul TeohMalaysia
#48 MILLIONAIRE MAKER$1,5006,299$8,976,075$1,489,289Daniel DvoressCanada
#49 Turbo Deepstack$5002,978$1,414,550$192,523Vladas "apuokos" BurneikisLithuania
#50: Bounty Championship$2,1001,168$2,336,000$327,319Enrico "GTOExploiter" CamosciItaly
#51: Pot Limit Omaha$4002,005$753,880$100,945Eoghan "DrRoche" O'DeaIreland
#52: NLHE$1,0002,006$1,905,700$273,505Alek StasiakCanada
#53: Double Stack PLO [Asia Time Zone]$800831$631,560$94,253Frank CrivelloUnited States
#54: Heads-Up Championship$10,000128NANAevent not yet finishednot yet finished
#55: NLHE Asia Time Zone ChampionshipHK$8,0003,247$3,184,074$458,261Luis Eduardo Assuncao GarlaBrazil
#56: GGMasters WSOP Edition$1509,835$3,068,025$183,526Anatoly "Pohitrusha" SuvarovUnited States

Two cashes, two WSOP bracelets

It’s been a dominating performance so far at GGPoker for Alex Stasiak. The Canadian first won Event 32: $1,111 Every 1 in for COVID Relief for $343,200.

In his second cash of the series, Stasiak did it again. He won Event 52: $1,000 No Limit Hold’em on Aug. 6 for $273,505. That made him the series first two-time winner, and that included the US half at WSOP.com.

Beyond that feat, he also becomes the first player to ever win two online bracelets. That’s quite a feat and he still has time to attempt the trifecta.

2011 Main Event final table player scores bracelet

Irish eyes were smiling for Eoghan O’Dea on Aug. 5 in Event 51: $400 Pot Limit Omaha. The Dublin, Ireland, native scored the first bracelet of his career and took home $100,945.

O’Dea is no stranger to WSOP success and now has almost $2.4 million in series winnings. That included a sixth-place finish in the 2011 Main Event for $1.7 million.

In 2019, he also scored a nice PLO finish in the $10,000 championship in Las Vegas. He took sixth in that event for $143,128. O’Dea now becomes the fifth Irish player to win a bracelet.

Poker runs in the O’Dea family. His father Donnacha O’Dea is a card-playing legend in Ireland. He made two Main Event final table appearances, finishing sixth in 1983 and ninth in 1991.

PLO seems to be a nice game for the O’Deas with Donnacha also winning his bracelet in the game in 1998. 


Dvoress wins Millionaire Maker, vaults into top spot on WSOP Leaderboard

The battle for the player of the series continues to heat up. Last week, three Brazilians took the top three spots.

However, a pair of Canadians now slide into first and second place with Daniel Dvoress taking the lead. He took down the Millionaire Maker on Aug. 8 for $1.5 million.

A coach at the RunItOnce training site, Dvoress offered some thanks to a friend who offered some pre-tournament help.

This becomes just the latest huge score for Dvoress. He has more than $15 million in live tournament winnings. That includes winning the partypoker Live $250,000 Super High Roller Bowl in November for $4.1 million.

Here’s a look at the complete leaderboard:

  • 1st – Daniel Dvoress (Canada), 6,095.66
  • 2nd – Alek Stasiak (Canada), 5,973.95
  • 3rd – Ranno Sootla (Estonia), 4,931.59
  • 4th – Yuri Dzivielevski (Brazil), 4,334.47
  • 5th – Belarmino De Souza (Brazil), 3,968.44

Canada leads bracelet total by country

Which country will end the WSOP Online with the most bracelets? That remains to be seen, but Canada leads as of Aug. 11.

Wins by Dvoress, Alek Stasiak (2), and Kristen Bicknell move the country into the top spot.

Two other countries are just behind the Great White North. The United States and Brazil both have three winners each. 

Players from the United Kingdom have won two bracelets. No other country has more than one.

A look at the week ahead at GGPoker

The WSOP Online at GGPoker runs through Sept. 6 and plenty of action remains. In the coming week a few tournaments stand out

Don’t have enough for the $5,000 Main Event? Then check out the $500 Mini Main Event on Sunday, Aug. 16. The event comes with a $5 million guarantee – plenty of bang for the buck.

Another lower buy-in event should attract a nice number on Saturday, Aug. 15. The $300 Monster Stack Six-Handed (Asia Time Zone) should build a nice prize pool, though without a guarantee.

On Tuesday, Aug. 18, the $600 NLHE Deepstack Championship should bring out plenty of online rounders looking for a title. Here’s a look at the complete schedule.

DateEvent NumberTournamentBuy-inPrize GuaranteeNotes
Wednesday, September 02, 202048People's Choice Event [Pros Vote]TBATBATBA by Vote
Thursday, September 03, 202049People's Choice Event [Spin the Wheel]TBATBATBA by Vote
Saturday, September 05, 202050People's Choice Event [Most Popular]TBATBAAsia Time Zone, TBA by Vote
Saturday, September 05, 202051$1,050 Beat the Pros [Bounty]$1,050
Sunday, September 06, 202052$10K WSOP Super MILLION$, $5M GTD$10,000$5,000,0002-Day Event
Sunday, September 06, 202053$100 WSOP MILLION$ [Final Day], $2M GTD$100$2,000,0002-Day Event, 1-RE Flights
Sunday, September 06, 202054$500 The Closer [LAST CHANCE]$500

NEED A PEP TALK? Poker Stars Liv Boeree, Fedor Holz Join Startup Coaching Platform

Fedor Holz and Liv Boeree have joined the PepTalk startup.

Video conferencing, Zoom calls, and Facetime have become part of life for many during the Coronavirus pandemic. A new startup is hoping to capitalize on that trend with an easy connection to experts providing some personalized motivation.

PepTalk is a live video coaching and speaking platform connecting interested learners with real-world experts. That includes some of the biggest names in poker.

Founded on the idea that experience is the ultimate teacher, PepTalk launched this month with 200 coaches and speakers. Those include entrepreneurs, writers, authors, adventurers, athletes, and more.

The platform even collected a nice roster of poker stars ready to offer some advice and coaching. Two of those, Liv Boeree and Fedor Holz, spoke with USPoker about what to expect in a session with them

A pep talk to improve your poker game

PepTalk was designed for a modern remote workforce. The web-based platform allows individuals and corporate teams to book a session directly with a coach or speaker. 

Entrepreneurs Ant Cauchi and Lloyd Salmons founded the company after careers in the music industry at EMI. After leaving that industry, they launched the digital marketing agency Outside Line.

“In creating PepTalk, we were inspired by our early days in the music industry when we were fortunate to work with some of the most inspirational artists in the world,” they said in a news release.

“In time we became mentors to our own employees, and we realized that coaching and mentoring from a place of experience is invaluable. Our goal is to make that experience available to anyone.”

That could include poker players seeking a mental kick in the pants. Along with Boeree and Holz, the site’s roster of card sharks includes:

  • Maria Ho – poker pro and commentator
  • Jamie Gold – 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event winner
  • Maria Konnikova – author, poker player, and former PokerStars ambassador
  • Joe Stapleton – poker player, commentator, and comedian 
  • Jennifer ShahadePennsylvania-based poker player and PokerStars ambassador

The PepTalk platform can be accessed via computer or mobile device. A pick-me-up session with a poker pro is only mouse click or tap away.

Poker and life lessons from Liv

No stranger to speaking in front of a crowd or offering some insight, Live Boeree took a unique path to poker. Originally from the United Kingdom, she received a degree in astrophysics before launching a successful poker career.

At the tables Boeree has $3.9 million in live tournament winnings including WSOP and EPT titles. She sees her role with the startup as a way to work with others around the world.

Liv Boeree (photo courtesy of Poker Central)

The site allows people from all walks of life to gain some insight from experts in their field. Boeree’s career in science and poker offer a unique opportunity for some inspiration beyond just poker.

“I’ve joined PepTalk as a medium to share experiences and lessons learned in my life and career – including my time as a poker pro – with a broad audience,” says Boeree, who also hosts her own YouTube channel about space and science.

“I believe the principles of success at the poker table have value in life, business, and beyond.”

From TED Talk to PepTalk

Boeree’s coaching focuses on life strategies, improving decision-making, how poker principles can be used every day, and other concepts. She expressed similar ideas on her 2018 TED Talk, “Three Life Lessons from the Poker Table.”


“We know poker principles apply effectively to business and other parts of life, and I’m looking forward to sharing those with PepTalk’s customers,” she says. “My background includes speaking and writing on science, logic, math and philosophy, and I’ll be bringing all of that to the table – no pun intended!”

It’s a good bet Boeree might answer a couple questions on table strategy. Overall, however, she sees her PepTalk time as a way to give customers a boost – as the company name implies.

“In these times when we can’t necessarily interact in-person,” she says, “I hope to have a positive impact on people’s lives when they need a boost.”

Face to face with Fedor

While he may not be an astrophysicist, Fedor Holz brings his own skills to the PepTalk team. The German poker pro has almost $33 million in live tournament winnings including numerous major titles. What’s expected in one of his PepTalk sessions?

Fedor Holz (courtesy Poker Central)

“I’m set to share my experiences and respond to questions they may have or situations they may want to talk through, applying my pro poker lens to it all,” Holz says. “I’m excited to be part of what PepTalk is building – accessibility to coaches with all different experiences and perspectives and wisdom.

“There’s an incredible range of coaches and speakers – there are a few of us from the professional poker world, Olympic athletes, adventurers, entrepreneurs. Experts from obvious and non-obvious arenas and career backgrounds who have a lot to share.”

Lessons learned preparing for poker success

Winning eight figures at the poker table isn’t easy. It takes perseverance and plenty of focus – traits Fedor hopes to drive home in his discussions.

“Building a poker career has been partially about the game and the skill and partially about discipline, preparation, and a ton of other lifestyle strategies,” he says. “They can expect to learn the big picture of poker – the big themes of what it’s about, what it takes to become a pro.”

Currently, Fedor has been playing in the WSOP Online at GGPoker, hoping to win his second career bracelet. The site signed the poker coach as an ambassador in May.

Holz worked his way up to the biggest games around conveys come of what he’s learned on PepTalk.

“It’s an opportunity to share poker wisdom in new ways,” he says, “how to win at work, for example, or how to manage a strong team.”

The startup’s poker team is ready – no cards and chips required.

TALE OF THE TAPE: Daniel Negreanu, Doug Polk Heading Toward Big Poker Showdown

Doug Polk and Deniel Negreanu have agreed to a high-stakes online poker matchup.

Maybe the upcoming battle between Daniel Negreanu and Doug Polk should be billed as the Tank Top Tussle. Whatever the name, the matchup has been confirmed and should be a blockbuster poker showdown.

After plenty of back and forth, Polk and Negreanu have arrived at a general agreement on how things will go down. Some details remain to be sorted out, but there should be plenty of fireworks when the online poker battle commences sometime in September or October.

Bad vibes for a big event

Another big heads-up match took place recently as part of the new PokerGO series, The Duel. That featured Phil Hellmuth and Antonio Esfandiari battling it out for $50,000 each.

Unlike that event, this battle should be a little more salty. Both come into the event not as friendly rivals, but more as definite adversaries.

The animosity started in 2016 when Negreanu offered his opinions on increased rake at PokerStars. An ambassador at the company at the time, he argued increased rake in some cash games could keep pros away. That would be good for recreational players, he noted.

Polk believed Negreanu wasn’t representing players well. He’s since been a frequent critic and that included a “More Rake is Better” billboard at the World Series of Poker in 2018.

Negreanu says Polk uses him as a foil to grow his YouTube audience. He’s also taken a few jibes in recent years as well.

The insults have flown over the last week. Negreanu says Polk has bullied him and has an “an unhealthy obsession.”

Polk has referred to Negreanu as a sellout who “belittles people quite frequently.” He threw some shade in his nemesis’ direction.

A look inside the numbers

Whatever the case, the antagonism boiled over throughout the last week. Polk challenged Negreanu heads-up and that was accepted. Here are some of the details that have been ironed out so far.

  • Game – Heads-up No Limit Hold’em
  • Stakes – $200/$400
  • Number of hands – Between 10,000 and 25,000
  • Number of tables – 2
  • Side bet – unknown as of now
  • Time – To be determined, possibly September or October

Where do the two combatants stand heading into the matchup? Like two boxers ready to slug it out, here’s the complete tale of the tape.

Daniel Negreanu

Originally from Canada and now living in Las Vegas, he’s one of the most recognized names in poker. No stranger to table talk, Negreanu also brings big skills.

However, the six-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner says he’ll be at a disadvantage heads-up against Polk.

Major accomplishments: $42 million in lifetime tournament winnings; six WSOP bracelet, two WPT titles

  • Poker style: Small-ball poker, but adapted style through the years
  • Poker media/business: Longtime ambassador for PokerStars, but now part of Team GGPoker; streams his online play and produces daily vlogs during WSOP events
  • Interests away from the tables: hockey
  • Extra bullet point: Produced a MasterClass on poker strategy

Doug Polk

A YouTube poker sensation, Polk has plenty of heads-up online poker experience. However, he’s been out of the game for a few years and focused on other topics.

Originally from California and now based in Las Vegas, Polk has come out of retirement for this challenge. The poker world will be buzzing when they take a seat at the table.

  • Major accomplishments: $3.7 million in live tournament winnings as well as significant online winnings; three WSOP bracelets including the $111,111 High Roller for One Drop for $3.7 million
  • Poker style: Highly experienced, technically sound, ability to make correct adjustments relative to opponents
  • Poker media/business: Co-founder of Upswing Poker training site; successful YouTube channels  
  • Interests away from the tables: Trading cryptocurrency
  • Extra bullet point: Part of a team that beat artificial intelligence bot at Carnegie Mellon University


Players ready to take in the action

Many players have taken to Twitter to voice their anticipation of the event. It seems many poker fans have been dreaming of the tank top-clad poker warriors battling it out.

Popular commentator Nick Schulman expressed the thoughts of many in the poker world. With Team Polk versus Team Negreanu, he believes a large multimedia presentation should be part of the fun.

“Listen buddy, as far as commentary goes there should be different teams/platforms covering this thing,” he noted in a response to a Polk Tweet. “I really don’t know but everyone should come out of the woodwork. All I ask is for a little sit down with you both before playing face to face. Borderline aroused thinking about it.”

Shaun Deeb also took to Twitter offering some speculative lines related to the event. He even threw in a tank top wager.

Look for more at PokerScout as more details are announced. Whatever the outcome, it should be quite an interesting poker brawl.

BONUS BUCKS: PartyPoker Adds $150K in Extras to WPT series

The WPT and partypoker are teaming up for the $100 million WPT World Online Championships.

After two weeks of PLO events in the WPT World Online Championships, No Limit Hold’em now takes center stage at partypoker beginning Saturday. With plenty of extras already in line for winners, the site announced some nice extras this week bringing the total to almost $150,000.

The five Mike Sexton WPT Champions Cup events include a $15,000 entry into the Tournament of Champions presented by Baccarat Crystal. Partypoker announced Thursday that those entries won’t be removed from the prize pool.

In essence the TOC entries are added value with partypoker chipping in that money.

Click here for a complete preview and schedule of the WPT World Online Championships including an interview with poker star Jason Koon.

Big bang for the buck in WPT championships

The TOC entries aren’t the only extras players can expect for winning one the five Cup events. Added value extras added up to almost $150,000 and include:

  • $75,000 – $15,000 TOC entries for each of the five events
  • $45,000 – Hublot watches, worth $7,500 for the first four events and $15,000 for the main event
  • $2,500 – Baccarat Crystal awarded to each winner
  • $25,000 – $5,000 TOC travel packages for each winner

There are a total of 12 championship events included within the series. Only these five events include the above. The champions will also have their names engraved on the Sexton Cup.

Sat., Aug. 1$3,200Eight-Max Championship$3 million
Sat., Aug. 8$3,200Six-Max Championship$3 million
Sat., Aug. 15$3,200Knockout Championship$3 million
Sat., Aug. 22$3,200Mix-Max Championship$3 million
Sat., Sept. 5$10,300WPT World Championship Online Main Event$10 million

Winners also receive a replica version of the cup and join the exclusive WPT Champions Club. That club roster includes names like Darren Elias, Anthony Zinno, Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, Antonio Esfandiari, and current Player of the Year leader Brian Altman.

The annual TOC features a rake-free $15,000 buy-in and all WPT champions are eligible. German poker pro Ole Schemion took down last year’s event for $440,395.

$3,200 Eight-Max event kicks off  WPT Sexton Cup events on Saturday

The inaugural WPT World Online Championships run through Sept. 9 with an overall guarantee of $100 million. Despite being played online, the series is designed to replicate an authentic live tour experience.

That includes the use of players’ real names at the tables. There will also be a maximum of two Day 1s for the 12 championship events. Only one re-entry is allowed.

The first Sexton Cup event is the Eight-Max Championship on Saturday. The tournament concludes on Tuesday with mega satellites running through Sunday with $1.5 million worth of seats up for grabs.

More than 2,500 tickets will be claimed with buy-ins available at $33 and $320. Winners of the TOC package have plenty to look forward to. 

The trip includes VIP concierge service for transport and hotel arrangements for the event. Players will also be treated to a party with the WPT talent team including Vince Van Patten, Tony Dunst, Lynn Gilmartin, and Matt Savage.

Players also receive a special VIP swag bag. Last year’s TOC was held at the Aria in Las Vegas. This year’s event was set to be played at the HyperX Esports Arena.

However, that has now been postponed because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Official plans for the event haven’t yet been determined.

For a complete partypoker review and an exclusive PokerScout deposit bonus, click here.

WSOP ONLINE ROUNDUP: Bicknell Wins Big at GGPoker & Much More

The WSOP and GGPoker have announced a new summer online bracelet series.

The World Series of Poker Online action wraps up on Friday at WSOP.com. However, the action has just gotten started at GGPoker.

International players began the bracelet hunting on July 19 with 54 bracelet events running through Sept. 16. Some big names have already made waves including Juha Helppi and Kristen Bicknell adding their names to the winner’s list.

For complete information about the series including schedule, information, and Twitch streams, visit the PokerScout WSOP Online GGPoker landing page.

Bicknell bags another WSOP bracelet at GGPoker

For those following the world of poker, Kristen Bicknell’s name stands out. This Canadian poker pro has been Global Poker Index’s Female Player of the Year for the last three years.

Bicknell currently leads that race again and has more than $5 million in live tournament winnings. A member of Team partypoker, she also brings plenty of skills to the virtual felt.

That was on display in the early hours of Thursday morning. Bicknell finished off a field of 892 entries in a $2,500 NLHE Six-Handed event for $356,412 and her third WSOP bracelet.

Fellow GPI Player of the Year and boyfriend Alex Foxen was quick to offer congratulations.

The win moved Bicknell into a tie with Barbara Enright and Vanessa Selbst with three bracelets each. The three are tied for the most bracelets won by a woman.

Beyond the WSOP action at GGPoker, Bicknell has also been playing online in the partypoker WPT World Online Championships. She already has a couple final table appearances there as well.

Can she add a bracelet and a WPT title in two huge concurrent series? Don’t tule it out.

Juha helps himself to a big win

Finnish poker star Juha Helppi started his series off on a good note. He took down Event 35: $5,000 Pot Limit Omaha Championship for $306,622 on July 21-22.

This becomes Helppi’s second bracelet after topping a field of 328 entries. He now has more than $1.7 million in WSOP winnings.

Helppi’s first bracelet came in 2019 when he won the $10,000 Limit Hold’em Championship for $306,622. He also has lifetime live tournament winnings of $8 million.

With big wins and finishes at events around the world, Helppi now has another nice bullet point on his resumé.

A look at the early GGPoker WSOP Online action

It’s been a nice start for Hun Wei Lee as well. This player from Australia already has three cashes including a win in Event 37: $1,050 Bounty Pot Limit Omaha.

That gave him a nice score of $161,887 and the first bracelet of his career.

Robert Romanello, from the United Kingdom, also has three cashes and a title. He won Event 39: $1,500 NLHE for $216,213.

Sweden’s Klas Lafberg now has four cashes including his first bracelet in Event 40: $2,500 Pot Limit Omaha for $224,493.

Here’s a look at the complete list of winners and statistics from the GGPoker half of the series so far:

EventBuy-InTotalPrize PoolTop PrizeWinner
#32: The Opener NLHE$10029306$2,696,152$265,880Marcelo Jakovljevic Pudla
#33: Every 1 for Covid Relief$11112323$2,580,853$343,204Alek Stasiak
#34: Super Turbo Bounty NLHE 6-Handed$5252214$1,107,000$117,650Shoma Ishikawa
#35 Pot Limit Omaha Championship$5,000328$1,558,000$306,622Juha Helppi
#36 FIFTY STACK NLHE$1,5001342$1,912,350$297,496Michael Clacher
#37 Bounty Pot Limit Omaha$1,050971$971,000$161,887Hun Wei Lee
#38 Monster Stack NLHE 6-Handed [Asia Time Zone]$60020071143990$171,389Aaron Wijaya
#39: NLHE [Asia Time Zone]$1,500922$1,313,850$216,213Roberto Romanello
#40: Pot Limit Omaha$2,500532$1,263,500$224,493Klas Lofberg
Event #41: COLOSSUS$400NA$3 millionevent not yet complete
#42: PLOSSUS$400NA$1 millionevent not yet complete
#43: Short Deck NLHE Championship$10,000NAnot yet available$276,393Lev Gottlieb
#44: NLHE 6-Handed$2,500892$2,118,500$356,412Kristen Bicknell

Quick facts about the WSOP Online at GGPoker

  • Number of bracelet events – 54
  • Dates – July 19 to Sept. 16
  • Locations available to players – Around the world including Canada and Mexico
  • Game formats – No Limit Hold’em, Omaha, Short Deck, Mixed Games, Bounty, Heads-up
  • Buy-in range$50 to $25,000
  • Main Event – The $5,000 championship features a $25 million guarantee with numerous starting flights beginning Aug. 16. Day 2 is set for Aug. 30.