Unibet Launches Monster Poker Schedule With €1M Guaranteed, Numerous Extras for UOSXI

The next installment of the Unibet Online Series returns this week to the popular online poker site. This year’s UOSXI features 145 events over the course of a month with a guaranteed prize pool of €1 million.

The series runs Feb. 26 to March 21 and caters to players of every buy-in level. There are four different buy-in levels – nano, low, mid, and high.

Players will find mostly No Limit Hold’em and a few Omaha tournaments also included. The series promises plenty of fun for every type of player.

Some Unibet OSXI highlights

Unibet regularly sits among the top 15 poker sites in the world in player traffic. The site goes out of its ways to cater to recreational players and often features lower buy-ins. There are some moderate to high buy-ins mixed in as well.

The site bans the use of all poker tracking software and players can change usernames up to three times daily. Unibet works to live up to its motto “By players, for players.”

Players enjoying micro stakes action will find that the site doesn’t even take a rake. That means no fee for any tournament with a buy-in of €1 or less. In 2020, the site completely overhauled its software for a much better player experience.

The highlight of OSXI is the €1,100 Unibet Open Online championship. That event is set for March 21 with a €250,000 guarantee. Some other highlights include:

  • €50 NLHE Rebuy Mid 2 Days (Event 3, Feb. 26) – €25,000 guaranteed
  • €50 NLHE Rebuy Mid (Event 44, March 4) – €10,000 guaranteed
  • €250 NLHE UK Tour High 2 Days (Event 61, March 7) – €40,000 guaranteed
  • €10 NLHE Rebuy Low 2 Days (Event 59, March 7) – €6,000 guaranteed
  • €10 NLHE Rebuy Low (Event 119, Mach 18) – €4,000 guaranteed
  • €100 NLHE Unibet Open (championship) Rebuy High (Event 141, March 21) – €50,000 guaranteed

Here’s a look at the complete schedule.

2021 Unibet Online Series XI 

DateEventTournamentBuy-in (€)Guarantee (€)TierGame
2021/02/261€1,000 E1 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-Days11000NanoHoldem
2021/02/262€6,000 E2 UOS Rebuy Low 2-Days106000LowHoldem
2021/02/263€25,000 E3 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-Days5025000MidHoldem
2021/02/264€100 E4 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/02/265€3,500 E5 UOS Rebuy Low103500LowHoldem
2021/02/266€7,500 E6 UOS Rebuy Mid507500MidHoldem
2021/02/277€100 E7 UOS Bounty Re-enter Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/02/278€1,500 E8 UOS Bounty Re-enter Low51500LowHoldem Bounty
2021/02/279€10,000 E9 UOS Bounty Re-enter Mid5010000MidHoldem Bounty
2021/02/2710€100 E10 UOS Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/02/2711€1,000 E11 UOS Low51000LowHoldem
2021/02/2712€3,500 E12 UOS Mid253500MidHoldem
2021/02/2813€200 E13 UOS Nano 2-Days1200NanoHoldem
2021/02/2814€1,500 E14 UOS Low 2-Day51500LowHoldem
2021/02/2815€10,000 E15 UOS Mid 2-Day2510000MidHoldem
2021/02/2816€25,000 E16 UOS High 2-Day10025000HighHoldem
2021/02/2817€100 E17 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/02/2818€1,500 E18 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/02/2819€6,000 E19 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem
2021/03/0120€300 E20 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5300NanoHoldem
2021/03/0121€4,000 E21 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/0122€10,000 E22 UOS Rebuy Mid2510000MidHoldem
2021/03/0123€100 E23 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0124€2,500 E24 UOS Rebuy Low102500LowHoldem
2021/03/0125€10,000 E25 UOS Rebuy Mid2510000MidHoldem
2021/03/0226€100 E26 UOS Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0227€1,500 E27 UOS Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/0228€5,000 E28 UOS Mid255000MidHoldem
2021/03/0229€100 E29 UOS Bounty Re-enter Nano0.25100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0230€1,000 E30 UOS Bounty Re-enter Low51000LowHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0231€5,000 E31 UOS Bounty Re-enter Mid255000MidHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0232€10,000 E32 UOS Bounty Re-enter High10010000HighHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0333€100 E33 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0334€4,000 E34 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/0335€10,000 E35 UOS Rebuy Mid2510000MidHoldem
2021/03/0336€100 E36 UOS Omaha Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoOmaha
2021/03/0337€2,000 E37 UOS Omaha Rebuy Low102000LowOmaha
2021/03/0338€5,000 E38 UOS Omaha Rebuy Mid505000MidOmaha
2021/03/0439€100 E39 UOS Bounty Re-enter Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0440€1,500 E40 UOS Bounty Re-enter Low51500LowHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0441€10,000 E41 UOS Bounty Re-enter Mid5010000MidHoldem Bounty
2021/03/0442€100 E42 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0443€3,500 E43 UOS Rebuy Low103500LowHoldem
2021/03/0444€10,000 E44 UOS Rebuy Mid5010000MidHoldem
2021/03/0545€200 E45 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5200NanoHoldem
2021/03/0546€4,000 E46 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/0547€7,500 E47 UOS Rebuy Mid257500MidHoldem
2021/03/0548€15,000 E48 UOS Rebuy High UK SIDE EVENT10015000HighHoldem
2021/03/0549€100 E49 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0550€1,500 E50 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/0551€6,000 E51 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem
2021/03/0652€100 E52 UOS Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0653€2,500 E53 UOS Low102500LowHoldem
2021/03/0654€7,500 E54 UOS Mid507500MidHoldem
2021/03/0655€100 E55 UOS Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0656€1,000 E56 UOS Low51000LowHoldem
2021/03/0657€4,000 E57 UOS Mid254000MidHoldem
2021/03/0758€750 E58 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-Days1750NanoHoldem
2021/03/0759€6,000 E59 UOS Rebuy Low 2-Days106000LowHoldem
2021/03/0760€25,000 E60 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-Days5025000MidHoldem
2021/03/0761€40,000 E61 UOS UK Tour High 2-Days25040000HighHoldem
2021/03/0762€100 E62 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0763€1,500 E63 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/0764€6,000 E64 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem
2021/03/0865€100 E65 UOS Big Bang Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/0866€1,000 E66 UOS Big Bang Low51000LowHoldem
2021/03/0867€5,000 E67 UOS Big Bang Mid255000MidHoldem
2021/03/0868€12,500 E68 UOS Big Bang High20012500HighHoldem
2021/03/0869€100 E69 UOS Omaha Re-enter Bounty Nano0.5100NanoOmaha Bounty
2021/03/0870€1,000 E70 UOS Omaha Re-enter Bounty Low51000LowOmaha Bounty
2021/03/0871€3,000 E71 UOS Omaha Re-enter Bounty Mid253000MidOmaha Bounty
2021/03/1072€100 E72 UOS Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/1073€2,500 E73 UOS Low102500LowHoldem
2021/03/1074€8,000 E74 UOS Mid508000MidHoldem
2021/03/1075€100 E75 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/1076€3,500 E76 UOS Rebuy Low103500LowHoldem
2021/03/1077€8,000 E77 UOS Rebuy Mid508000MidHoldem
2021/03/1178€100 E78 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/1179€4,000 E79 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/1180€7,500 E80 UOS Rebuy Mid257500MidHoldem
2021/03/1181€15,000 E81 UOS Rebuy High10015000HighHoldem
2021/03/1182€100 E82 UOS Omaha Nano0.5100NanoOmaha
2021/03/1183€750 E83 UOS Omaha Low5750LowOmaha
2021/03/1184€3,000 E84 UOS Omaha Mid503000MidOmaha
2021/03/1285€200 E85 UOS Nano 2-Days0.5200NanoHoldem
2021/03/1286€2,500 E86 UOS Low 2-Days102500LowHoldem
2021/03/1287€10,000 E87 UOS Mid 2-Days5010000MidHoldem
2021/03/1288€25,000 E88 UOS Highroller High 2-Days30025000HighHoldem
2021/03/1289€100 E89 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/1290€2,500 E90 UOS Rebuy Low102500LowHoldem
2021/03/1291€10,000 E91 UOS Rebuy Mid2510000MidHoldem
2021/03/1392€100 E92 UOS Bounty Re-enter Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/03/1393€1,500 E93 UOS Bounty Re-enter Low51500LowHoldem Bounty
2021/03/1394€10,000 E94 UOS Bounty Re-enter Mid5010000MidHoldem Bounty
2021/03/1395€100 E95 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/1396€1,000 E96 UOS Rebuy Low51000LowHoldem
2021/03/1397€6,000 E97 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem
2021/03/1498€750 E98 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-Days1750NanoHoldem
2021/03/1499€3,500 E99 UOS Rebuy Low 2-Days53500LowHoldem
2021/03/14100€25,000 E100 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-Days5025000MidHoldem
2021/03/14101€40,000 E101 UOS Rebuy High 2-Days10040000HighHoldem
2021/03/14102€100 E102 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/14103€1,500 E103 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/14104€6,000 E104 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem
2021/03/15105€100 E105 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/15106€4,000 E106 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/15107€10,000 E107 UOS Rebuy Mid2510000MidHoldem
2021/03/15108€100 E108 UOS Omaha Nano0.5100NanoOmaha
2021/03/15109€1,000 E109 UOS Omaha Low101000LowOmaha
2021/03/15110€2,500 E110 UOS Omaha Mid252500MidOmaha
2021/03/17111€100 E111 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/17112€4,000 E112 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/17113€7,500 E113 UOS Rebuy Mid257500MidHoldem
2021/03/17114€15,000 E114 UOS Unibet Opener Rebuy High10015000HighHoldem
2021/03/17115€100 E115 UOS Sirius Banzai Bounty Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/03/17116€1,500 E116 UOS Sirius Banzai Bounty Low101500LowHoldem Bounty
2021/03/17117€3,000 E117 UOS Sirius Banzai Bounty Mid253000MidHoldem Bounty
2021/03/18118€100 E118 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/18119€4,000 E119 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/18120€10,000 E120 UOS Rebuy Mid5010000MidHoldem
2021/03/18121€100 E121 UOS Ante Re-enter Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Ante
2021/03/18122€1,000 E122 UOS Ante Re-enter Low51000LowHoldem Ante
2021/03/18123€2,500 E123 UOS Ante Re-enter Mid252500MidHoldem Ante
2021/03/19124€100 E124 UOS Bounty Re-enter Nano0.5100NanoHoldem Bounty
2021/03/19125€1,500 E125 UOS Bounty Re-enter Low51500LowHoldem Bounty
2021/03/19126€7,500 E126 UOS Bounty Re-enter Mid257500MidHoldem Bounty
2021/03/19127€15,000 E127 UOS Bounty Re-enter High10015000HighHoldem Bounty
2021/03/19128€100 E128 UOS Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/19129€1,000 E129 UOS Low51000LowHoldem
2021/03/19130€3,500 E130 UOS Mid253500MidHoldem
2021/03/20131€100 E131 UOS Rebuy Nano0.25100NanoHoldem
2021/03/20132€5,000 E132 UOS Rebuy Low104000LowHoldem
2021/03/20133€8,000 E133 UOS Rebuy Mid257500MidHoldem
2021/03/20134€15,000 E134 UOS Unibet Open Rebuy Warm-Up High10015000HighHoldem
2021/03/20135€100 E135 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/20136€1,500 E136 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/20137€5,000 E137 UOS Rebuy Mid255000MidHoldem
2021/03/21138€750 E138 UOS Rebuy Nano 2-Days1750NanoHoldem
2021/03/21139€3,500 E139 UOS Rebuy Low 2-Days53500LowHoldem
2021/03/21140€10,000 E140 UOS Rebuy Mid 2-Days2510000midHoldem
2021/03/21141€50,000 E141 UOS Unibet Open Rebuy High 2-Days10050000HighHoldem
2021/03/21142€250,000 E142 UOS Unibet Open Online High 2-Days1100250000HighHoldem
2021/03/21143€100 E143 UOS Rebuy Nano0.5100NanoHoldem
2021/03/21144€1,500 E144 UOS Rebuy Low51500LowHoldem
2021/03/21145€6,000 E145 UOS Rebuy Mid256000MidHoldem

Other promotions include leaderboard cash

Beyond just the tournament action, Unibet is bringing players even more. That includes €32,000 in added prizes across leaderboards for all four buy-in levels as well as an overall leaderboard.

The site is also hosting a Bubble Boy Showdown tournament with €3,000 in tournament tickets on the line. This is a special freeroll for those players who finish just one place out of the money.

Unibet is also hosting various Mystery Tournaments, freerolls that pop up randomly in the poker lobby throughout the series. These events feature a total of €2,000 cash up for grabs.

Players can also win tournament tickets worth up to €100 on the March 16 rest day in the Unibet Poker Quiz. It should be a nice month of poker for Unibet players.

HexaPro happy hours returns with Jackpot Mania

Beyond the UOSXI, Unibet is offering another interesting promotion through March 10. Players jumping in HexaPro events can take part in Jackpot Mania Happ Hours from 16:00 CET to 20:00 CET.

HexaPros are Unibet’s version of the popular sit and go jackpot style, single-table tournaments. During Happy Hour, players at these tables can look for eight 100x multipliers landing.

The site has even set up a countdown in the lobby and players can see which buy-in level is boosted. The countdown also shows how many games are left before the next jackpot is guaranteed to hit. Those snagging a jackpot will truly enjoy a happy hour.

Cash  game players are also in store for some extras through March 14. Players can earn tournament tickets by completing weekly missions.

Some of those missions include reaching 25 flops and doubling up over four days. Every week brings a new mission, with rising stakes and prizes.

During the final week, a €50 tournament ticket and €5 HexaPro ticket can be won. Simply complete the missions to earn a reward. Complete all four weekly missions to win an entry to an exclusive €3,000 tournament.

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